You may not be aware of it, but you rely on your car more frequently than you might realise. Nowadays, many drivers utilise their vehicles for commuting to work, transporting their children to and from school, driving to weekend sports events, grocery shopping, and numerous other tasks. The more time you spend on the road, the higher the likelihood of being involved in a vehicular accident. In this blog, we are going to look at some of the steps to take if you are involved in a vehicle accident.
1: Pull Over:
If you are involved in any type of vehicle accident, no matter how minor it may be, you should always pull over. Always try to find a safe spot to pull over if possible. This may not always be possible, depending on your location. Once you have pulled over, place your hazard indicator lights on.
2: Secure The Area:
If and only when it is safe to do so, try to secure the area. If any part of your vehicle has come off and is in the way of other road users, remove that part and place it in a location that will reduce the potential of causing another accident. Only do this if there is no chance of you getting hurt or causing a hazard to other road users.
3: Provide Assistance:
Offer assistance to anyone who may be injured or require help. If you have first aid training, you could be vital in an accident. Always stay within your scope of training and let the professionals take over when they arrive on the scene.
4: Call 000:
Call 000 for Police, Fire + Rescue, or Ambulance in the following situations:
- Someone is hurt
- Someone is trapped in a vehicle
- Your vehicle or other vehicles involved are blocking traffic or pose a safety risk
- The location you are in is unsafe for you and others
- Someone has been killed
5: Exchange Details
In any vehicle accident, no matter how minor, it is important that you and all other drivers exchange details. One reason for this is for insurance purposes. You will want to ensure that you get and give the following details to and from the other drivers involved.
- Their / Your name.
- Their / Your residential address.
- Their / Your contact number.
- Their / Your vehicle license registration.
Not all vehicle accidents need to have emergency services present. If you are ever involved in a vehicle accident, remember to remain calm, stop in a safe spot, offer assistance, call emergency services if necessary, and exchange details with those involved.