The Important things you need in your car emergency kit
In the last few months here in NSW we have seen some wild weather and sadly, disasters. From fires to floods you need to make sure you have an emergency kit in your car so if you get stuck in your vehicle you’ll be prepared. By having a car emergency kit, it could mean the difference between being stranded and helpless for hours or getting back on the road quickly. It’s the one thing every car owner should keep in their vehicle, yet, most of us don’t have the basic items needed to help get us back on the road.

If you have roadside assistance, you can call for help.
If you don’t or have a flat phone battery a well-stocked emergency kit kept in your car will ensure you’ve got everything you need in case trouble arises. Here are a few things you should have packed in your car at all times
Car manual – always keep it in the glove box. You’ll never know when you may need to check this book for tips and instructions.
First Aid Kit – a basic kit could help in case of emergencies St. John Ambulance have a Personal Motoring Kit that will fit in your glove box for just $35
Water and possibly food – this can be hard to have in your car as it’s not great to store water bottles or food in the trunk of your car. Try and rotate them on a regular basis so you have water in case of a breakdown. A high-vis vest is great if you are broken down on the side of the road close to other cars. TIP It’s also good to have a spare change of clothes. Even if you’re not broken down, you may just need dry, clean clothes.
Basics like pens, paper, paper towel a blanket or space blanket come in handy if you encounter someone that’s had an accident and needs to stay warm until emergency services arrive.
Torch and spare batteries – for late at night when you need to check your car for issues and your phone just won’t cut it. TIP Don’t forget to have your hazard lights on to alert other drivers.
Spare tyre, tyre jack, tyre pressure gauge – always have a spare and jack. You never know when you’ll need it, and this is something that you may not be able to borrow from a passing motorist.
Jumper Leads – good to have if you or someone else that’s broken down has a flat battery so you can jump-start the car and be on your way.
Basic Tool kit – filled with everything from screwdrivers, rope, tape, scissors and WD40. You never know what you’ll need so it’s always better to be prepared.
Phone charger – guaranteed the time you break down you’ll check your phone and realise you only have a few bars left. With a spare charger in the car, it means you can call for help ASAP.
Unfortunately, there isn’t just one tool or item for every roadside emergency. With some planning and preparation, you could have a kit that could save the day.