Navigating Rising Fuel Prices. Strategies To Save Money At The Pump

Can you remember the last time you didn’t have to worry about the price of fuel? It has probably been some time for you and most motorists in Australia. Over the past 15 years, Australia has seen fuel prices surge. Some recent fuel prices in NSW have hit as high as $2.75 per liter.

The price of living has gone up significantly over the years also, and nowadays, like most people, you are most likely having to make the most out of every cent. In this blog, we are going to explore some helpful tips on how to get the most out of your tank and help you save money.

Avoid Carrying Unnecessary Weight

Your vehicle can be a great place to store items and forget about. But driving around with unnecessary weight will just cause your vehicle to use your fuel in a shorter timeframe. It is a good idea to go through your vehicle and remove any unnecessary items. The heavier your vehicle is, the more fuel your engine will need to use to get from point A to point B.

Don’t Speed

It is important to stick to the posted road speed limit for your safety and the safety of other road users and bystanders. Many people like to get from point A to point B in the quickest time possible, but speeding to achieve this goal is dangerous, illegal, and will require more fuel. Speeding does not use less fuel. In fact, it typically results in greater fuel consumption due to increased air resistance, which requires more energy to overcome. Always stick to the posted speed limit for safety reasons and to help your wallet when it comes to your next fuel stop.

Avoid Unnecessary Stops

When you come to a full stop, your engine has to work harder to get your car moving again compared to slowing down from a crawl. So, the fewer complete stops you make during each trip, the less fuel you’ll use. The same applies to turning off and navigating stop-and-go traffic.

Correct Tyre Pressure Is Important

As mentioned in previous blogs, correct tyre pressure is very important. Ensure your vehicle’s tyres are set to the correct pressure as per the manufacturer’s specifications. Under-inflated tyres create additional resistance, forcing the engine to work harder while decreasing handling.

Following these simple steps could help you use less fuel and save you money.