Driver Distraction And Its Consequences

How many times have you been distracted while in control of a moving vehicle? Too many times to remember? It is easy to get distracted while at the wheel of your vehicle, especially when with others in your vehicle. In the past twelve months, NSW has seen some horrific vehicle accidents in which driver distraction has been a factor.

What Is Driver Distraction?

Driver distraction is an action of your own or others that takes away your attention from the road. It is taking your concentration away from the task at hand, which can lead to unintentional accidents.

What Are Examples Of Driver Distraction?

There are too many examples to list, but here are some of the more common distractions while in control of a moving vehicle

  • Applying makeup
  • Eating and drinking
  • Texting
  • Watching a movie or video clip
  • Trying to change your radio
  • Holding your pet
  • Trying to restrain unrestrained children in the back seat
  • Reading advertisement boards
  • Fatigue
  • Passengers

Consequences Of Distracted Drivers:

A distracted driver can lead to some very serious and life-changing consequences. When your attention is taken away from the road, things can turn bad quickly.

  • There is an increased chance of accidents occurring when your focus is taken away from the road.
  • Increased chance of injury or fatality. These can range from mild accidents where people are injured with minor cuts and bruises to major accidents where people are severely injured or killed.
  • Increased insurance costs. The more accidents you have, the higher your insurance costs will be. If you are considered to be at high risk for accidents, this will be represented in your insurance premium.
  • Traffic congestion. When an accident occurs, emergency vehicles must turn up at the scene and secure the site for safety. The process of securing the site, controlling traffic, transporting damaged vehicles, and transporting injured people can take many hours. All of this can lead to lane closures and, as a result, cause congestion.

How Can You Avoid Being Distracted While Driving?

There are many things that you can do as a driver to reduce the chance of being distracted while driving:

  • Ensure your children are correctly secured in their booster seats or seats when travelling with them before starting your trip.
  • Always have your pets correctly secured when travelling with them.
  • Use hands-free to make and receive phone calls.
  • Put your phone away and out of site if you don’t need it.
  • Pre-set your radio and navigation before beginning your drive.
  • Don’t have visual images or videos playing on your phone while driving.
  • Don’t apply makeup while driving.
  • Don’t eat or drink while driving.
  • Remove any distractions from you while driving if possible.
  • Get plenty of sleep before a big drive.
  • Don’t drive if you are tired.
  • Take regular breaks when on a long drive.


Driver distraction is just one of the many factors in vehicle accidents. When you are in control of a moving vehicle, your full attention should be on the road and on what you are doing. Being distracted just for a few seconds can lead to catastrophic consequences. Pre-plan for your drive, remove any distractions from your vehicle and always stay focused and alert.